
Mawsemiah Service


It is more than a seasonal service, it is a strategic partnership. A broad range of Mutakamelah’s solutions is included in Mawsemiah, in addition to SMASCO’s comprehensive measures for managing all affairs and operations related to the workforce needs of clients.

Is Mawsemiah The Best Solution For Your Company?

Service form

What Solutions Does Mawsemiah Offer You?

The Mawsemiah program offers almost every service a company would require for its employees as well as some additional services

Managerial consultancy

Training and development.

Complete coverage of legal documents, medical insurance, and social insurance provided by the biggest insurance companies

Working license for specific professions when needed

Managing salary payments and the monthly deposit process, contract settlement and the return-home ticket

Securing your company’s situation in case a worker has escaped or refrained from work

Residence, transportation, and subsistence

Providing workers with the necessary training for their profession and skills, as well as replacing workers who do not fit in

Why Should You Choose Mawsemiah ?

When you require more than just a manpower service, but a long-term strategic partner capable of handling the entire workforce headache and designing a plan for future performance.

Let’s Connect

In case you need a consultation for your company regarding Mawsemiah, it will be our pleasure to communicate with you.