SAMSCO hunted top healthcare talents.
Double shifts can be fewer, staff burnout can be avoided, and typical days can be far more productive. The Saudi Manpower Solutions Company, SMASCO, makes it possible for workforce shortages to be covered, and for critical care nurses to be smoothly hired.
SAMSCO, a complete recruiting cycle for healthcare professionals under one roof.
Experienced professionals in healthcare business staffing that you can ask for their advice; loaded with recruiting solutions; and professional healthcare workers that will give you the backup your business needs.

Get the right candidates for front-line and non-front-line positions with SMASCO
Semiskilled workers
Skilled workers
Request your team now
SMSCO manages all aspects of the recruitment process for your healthcare staff, including assessments, interviews, registrations, and legal procedures, and provides you with a professional team that meets your business requirements on a flexible payment schedule.
Our healthcare staffing solutions for corporations and small businesses
We’re here with on-call support to back you up with the right team
Decent staffing picks with professional medical training and complete legal coverage
SMASCO verifies legal status, registrations and certificates, and performs the required mental and physical checks
Efficient and licensed healthcare professionals. Sufficient quantities for the healthcare space needs
The privileges you receive with SMASCO in the healthcare sector
Talent hunting
Top talent hunting strategies, top recruiting technologies and solutions
SMASCO only charges you for the actual working days of each worker
Diverse contracts
Permanent workforce for less turnover, and temporary workforce for less costs
Updated nurses
SMASCO ensures hiring an up-to-date professional nursing team
Emergency hires
Immediately hiring healthcare workers who can save the situation
Diverse professions
Front line, non-front line, and exceptional healthcare staffing